

A communication characterisation of Splash-2 and Parsec

14 years 9 months ago
A communication characterisation of Splash-2 and Parsec
Recent benchmark suite releases such as Parsec specifically utilise the tightly coupled cores available in chipmultiprocessors to allow the use of newer, high performance, models of parallelisation. However, these techniques introduce additional irregularity and complexity to data sharing and are entirely dependent on efficient communication performance between processors. This paper thoroughly examines the crucial communication and sharing behaviour of these future applications. The infrastructure used allows both accurate and comprehensive program analysis, employing a full Linux OS running on a simulated 32-core x86 machine. Experiments use full program runs, with communication classified at both core and thread granularities. Migratory, read-only and producer-consumer sharing patterns are observed and their behaviour characterised. The temporal and spatial characteristics of communication are presented for the full collection of Splash-2 and Parsec benchmarks. Our results aim to...
Nick Barrow-Williams, Christian Fensch, Simon Moor
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Nick Barrow-Williams, Christian Fensch, Simon Moore
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