

A Commutative Algebra for Oriented Matroids

14 years 3 months ago
A Commutative Algebra for Oriented Matroids
Let V be a vector space of dimension d over a field K and let A be a central arrangement of hyperplanes in V. To answer a question posed by K. Aomoto, P. Orlik and H. Terao construct a commutative K-algebra U(A) in terms of the equations for the hyperplanes of A. In the course of their work the following question naturally occurred: Is U(A) determined by the intersection lattice L(A) of the hyperplanes of A? We give a negative answer to this question. The theory of oriented matroids gives rise to a combinatorial analogue of the algebra of Orlik
Raul Cordovil
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where DCG
Authors Raul Cordovil
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