

Compaction Techniques for Nextword Indexes

14 years 4 months ago
Compaction Techniques for Nextword Indexes
Most queries to text search engines are ranked or Boolean. Phrase querying is a powerful technique for refining searches, but is expensive to implement on conventional indexes. In other work, a nextword index has been proposed as a structure specifically designed for phrase queries. Nextword indexes are, however, relatively large. In this paper we introduce new compaction techniques for nextword indexes. In contrast to most index compression schemes, these techniques are lossy, yet as we show allow full resolution of phrase queries without false match checking. We show experimentally that our novel techniques lead to significant savings in index size.
Dirk Bahle, Hugh E. Williams, Justin Zobel
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Dirk Bahle, Hugh E. Williams, Justin Zobel
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