

Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages

14 years 3 months ago
Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages
XML is becoming the most relevant new standard for data representation and exchange on the WWW. Novel languages for extracting and restructuring the XML content have been proposed, some in the tradition of database query languages i.e. SQL, OQL, others more closely inspired by XML. No standard for XML query language has yet been decided, but the discussion is ongoing within the World Wide Web Consortium and within many academic institutions and Internet-related major companies. We present a comparison of ve, representative query languages for XML, highlighting their common features and di erences.
Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where CORR
Authors Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri
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