

A Comparative Evaluation of EJB Implementation Methods

14 years 6 months ago
A Comparative Evaluation of EJB Implementation Methods
As E-businesses are becoming ubiquitous, enhancing the performance and scalability of ebusiness systems has become an increasingly important topic of investigation. As Vitruvius (70-25 BC) put it succinctly ‘function follows form’, the ability of a system to perform well and scale easily is influenced by how the system itself is formed or implemented. A common approach to implement ebusiness systems is to make use of off-the-shelf enterprise middleware systems, such as a J2EEcompliant application server. Such middleware systems handle several, often complex, issues and thus simplify application development. They however allow developers the freedom not to use particular forms of support they offer and build their own mechanisms instead. This flexibility gives rise to many implementation methods. The work reported here evaluates these methods for Response Time and Throughput under various environments related to both client side (external to the system) and application execution (i...
Andreas Stylianou, Giovanna Ferrari, Paul D. Ezhil
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Andreas Stylianou, Giovanna Ferrari, Paul D. Ezhilchelvan
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