

A comparative study of interaction metaphors for large-scale displays

15 years 4 months ago
A comparative study of interaction metaphors for large-scale displays
Large screen displays require new interaction techniques because of their physical size. Even though there are technologies that tackle the problem of interaction with such devices by providing natural interaction to larger surfaces, we argue that large screen displays offers physical freedom that is not yet being applied to interaction. To better understand how distance affects user interaction, we present a comparative study of interaction metaphors for large scale displays. Specifically, we present three metaphors: Grab, Point and Mouse. Each metaphor was included in our tests because we felt that each could be more suited to a specific distance, which is the focus of our tests. We then asked the users to solve a puzzle using those metaphors on different distances. We found out that one technique achieves better results on all tests. However, there are some hints that the other two still remain valid, even if on very specific tasks. Keywords Large Scale Display Interaction, Distant...
Ricardo Jota, João Madeiras Pereira, Joaqui
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Ricardo Jota, João Madeiras Pereira, Joaquim A. Jorge
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