

The Comparative Study of Software Optimal Release Time Based on Burr Distribution

13 years 9 months ago
The Comparative Study of Software Optimal Release Time Based on Burr Distribution
It is great practical interest to decide when to stop testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user. This problem is called as the optimal software release policies. In this research, it was studied about this software release problem. Because of the possibility of introducing new faults when correcting or modifying the software, infinite failure NHPP models presented and propose an optimal release policies of the life distribution applied Burr distribution which makes out efficiency application for software reliability. In this paper, discuss optimal software release policies which minimize a total software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement. In a numerical example, after trend test applied and estimated the parameters using maximum likelihood estimation of inter-failure time data (Lyu, M. R. [13]), make out estimating software optimal release time. .
Hee-Cheul Kim, Hyoung-Keun Park
Added 18 May 2011
Updated 18 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Hee-Cheul Kim, Hyoung-Keun Park
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