

A Comparative Study of Two Novel Predictor Set Scoring Methods

14 years 6 months ago
A Comparative Study of Two Novel Predictor Set Scoring Methods
Due to the large number of genes measured in a typical microarray dataset, feature selection plays an essential role in tumor classification. In turn, relevance and redundancy are key components in determining the optimal predictor set. However, a third component – the relative weights given to the first two also assumes an equal, if not greater importance in feature selection. Based on this third component, we developed two novel feature selection methods capable of producing high, unbiased classification accuracy in multiclass microarray dataset. In an in-depth analysis comparing the two methods, the optimal values of the relative weights are also estimated. Keywords. Feature selection, microarray, tumor classification, redundancy
Chia Huey Ooi, Madhu Chetty
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Chia Huey Ooi, Madhu Chetty
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