

Comparing axial CT slices in quantized N-dimensional SURF descriptor space to estimate the visible body region

13 years 4 months ago
Comparing axial CT slices in quantized N-dimensional SURF descriptor space to estimate the visible body region
In this paper, a method is described to automatically estimate the visible body region of a computed tomography (CT) volume image. In order to quantify the body region, a body coordinate (BC) axis is used that runs in longitudinal direction. Its origin and unit length are patient-specific and depend on anatomical landmarks. The body region of a test volume is estimated by registering it only along the longitudinal axis to a set of reference CT volume images with known body coordinates. During these 1-D registrations, an axial image slice of the test volume is compared to an axial slice of a reference volume by extracting a descriptor from both slices and measuring the similarity of the descriptors. A slice descriptor consists of histograms of visual words. Visual words are code words of a quantized feature space and can be thought of as classes of image patches with similar appearance. A slice descriptor is formed by sampling a slice on a regular 2-D grid and extracting a Speeded Up ...
Johannes Feulner, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Elli Angelop
Added 25 Aug 2011
Updated 25 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CMIG
Authors Johannes Feulner, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Elli Angelopoulou, Sascha Seifert, Alexander Cavallaro, Joachim Hornegger, Dorin Comaniciu
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