

Comparing operational models of name-passing process calculi

14 years 2 months ago
Comparing operational models of name-passing process calculi
We study three operational models of name-passing process calculi: coalgebras on (pre)sheaves, indexed labelled transition systems, and history dependent automata. The coalgebraic model is considered both for presheaves over the category of finite sets and injections, and for its subcategory of atomic sheaves known as the Schanuel topos. We characterise the transition relations induced by the coalgebraic model, observing the differences between the first two models. Furthermore by imposing conditions on history dependent automata, this model is shown to become equivalent to the sheaf-theoretic coalgebraic model. Operational models of concurrent computation describe processes as consisting of a state space together with its possible evolution by performing atomic actions. The model of transition systems has proved useful to model basic processes of static networks, like those described by CCS and related calculi. However they are inadequate for the reconfiguration and mobility present ...
Marcelo P. Fiore, Sam Staton
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Marcelo P. Fiore, Sam Staton
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