

Comparing Pairwise and Simultaneous Joint Registrations of Decorrelating Interval Exams Using Entropic Graphs

15 years 2 months ago
Comparing Pairwise and Simultaneous Joint Registrations of Decorrelating Interval Exams Using Entropic Graphs
The interest in registering a set of images has quickly risen in the field of medical image analysis. Mutual information (MI) based methods are well-established for pairwise registration but their extension to higher dimensions (multiple images) has encountered practical implementation difficulties. We extend the use of alpha mutual information (MI) as the similarity measure to simultaneously register multiple images. MI of a set of images can be directly estimated using entropic graphs spanning feature vectors extracted from the images, which is demonstrated to be practically feasible for joint registration. In this paper we are specifically interested in monitoring malignant tumor changes using simultaneous registration of multiple interval MR or CT scans. Tumor scans are typically a decorrelating sequence due to the cycles of heterogeneous cell death and growth. The accuracy of joint and pairwise registration using entropic graph methods is evaluated by registering several sets of i...
Bing Ma, Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Hyunjin Park, Alfr
Added 16 Nov 2009
Updated 16 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPMI
Authors Bing Ma, Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Hyunjin Park, Alfred O. Hero, Peyton H. Bland, Charles R. Meyer
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