

Comparing Stability of Implementation Techniques for Multi-agent System Product Lines

14 years 8 months ago
Comparing Stability of Implementation Techniques for Multi-agent System Product Lines
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are increasingly being exploited to support autonomous recommendation of products and information to contemporary application users. Multi-agent system product lines (MAS-PL) promote large-scale reuse of common and variable agency features across multiple MAS applications. The development of MAS-PLs can be achieved through alternative MAS-specific frameworks (JADE and Jadex), and general-purpose implementation techniques, such as aspect-oriented programming (AOP). However, there is not much evidence on how these techniques provide better modularity, allowing the conception of stable MAS-PL designs. This paper reports an empirical study that assesses the modularity of a MAS-PL through a systematic analysis of its releases. The study consists of a comparison among three distinct versions of this MAS-PL, each one implemented with a different technique: (i) Jadex platform and configuration files; (ii) JADE platform and configuration files; and (iii) JADE platform...
Camila Nunes, Uirá Kulesza, Cláudio
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSMR
Authors Camila Nunes, Uirá Kulesza, Cláudio Sant'Anna, Ingrid Nunes, Alessandro F. Garcia, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
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