Quantum computing (QC) offers huge promise to accelerate a range of computationally intensive benchmarks. Quantum computing is limited, however, by the challenges of decoherence: i.e., a quantum state can only be maintained for short windows of time before it decoheres. While quantum error correction codes can protect against decoherence, fast execution time is the best defense against decoherence, so efficient architectures and effective scheduling algorithms are necessary. This paper proposes the Multi-SIMD QC architecture and then proposes and evaluates effective schedulers to map benchmark descriptions onto Multi-SIMD architectures. The Multi-SIMD model consists of a small number of SIMD regions, each of which may support operations on up to thousands of qubits per cycle. Efficient Multi-SIMD operation requires efficient scheduling. This work develops schedulers to reduce communication requirements of qubits between operating regions, while also improving parallelism.We find t...