

On completely nonmeasurable unions

14 years 2 months ago
On completely nonmeasurable unions
Assume that there is no quasi-measurable cardinal not greater than 2ω . We show that for a c.c.c. σ-ideal I with a Borel base of subsets of an uncountable Polish space, if A is a point-finite family of subsets from I then there is a subfamily of A whose union is completely nonmeasurable i.e. its intersection with every nonsmall Borel set does not belong to the σ-field generated by Borel sets and the ideal I. This result is a generalization of Four Poles Theorem (see [1]) and result from [3].
Szymon Zeberski
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where MLQ
Authors Szymon Zeberski
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