

Complex Network of Earthquakes

14 years 8 months ago
Complex Network of Earthquakes
Complex Network of Earthquakes Sumiyoshi Abe Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba Ibaraki 3058571, Japan First, a brief discussion is made about a relevance of nonextensive statistical mechanics (NSM) to spatio-temporal complexity of seismicity. Then, guided by the conjectured relationship between NSM and the complex-network structure, seismic data taken in Japan and California are mapped to growing random graphs. It is found that the earthquake networks thus constructed are smallworld and scale-free networks, which have similarities with the Internet. The period distributions in the directed network picture also obeys a power law, showing a fundamental difficulty of predicting after how many events the earthquake returns to the initial location. Then, the hierarchical structure and the mixing property of the earthquake networks is discussed. It is found that the clustering coefficients decay as a power law, which manifest the fact that the earthquake networks are the hierarchi...
Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICCS
Authors Sumiyoshi Abe, Norikazu Suzuki
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