

The Complexity of Learning SUBSEQ (A)

15 years 12 days ago
The Complexity of Learning SUBSEQ (A)
Higman showed that if A is any language then SUBSEQ(A) is regular, where SUBSEQ(A) is the language of all subsequences of strings in A. We consider the following inductive inference problem: given A(ε), A(0), A(1), A(00), . . . learn, in the limit, a DFA for SUBSEQ(A). We consider this model of learning and the variants of it that are usually studied in inductive inference: anomalies, mindchanges, and teams.
Stephen A. Fenner, William I. Gasarch
Added 14 Mar 2010
Updated 14 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ALT
Authors Stephen A. Fenner, William I. Gasarch
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