

Complexity Levels of Representing Dynamics in EA Planning

14 years 7 months ago
Complexity Levels of Representing Dynamics in EA Planning
Abstract. Enterprise Architecture (EA) models provide information on the fundamental as-is structure of a company or governmental agency and thus serve as an informational basis for informed decisions in enterprise transformation projects. At the same time EA models provide a means to develop and visualize to-be states in the EA planning process. Results of a literature review and implications from industry practices show that existing EA planning processes do not sufficiently cover dynamic aspects in EA planning. This paper conceptualizes seven levels of complexity for structuring EA planning dynamics by a system of interrelated as-is and to-be models. While level 1 represents the lowest complexity with non-connected as-is and to-be models, level 7 covers a multiperiod planning process also taking plan deviations during transformation phases into account. Based on these complexity levels, a multi-stage evolution of EA planning processes is proposed which develops non-dynamic as-is EA ...
Stephan Aier, Bettina Gleichauf, Jan Saat, Robert
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Stephan Aier, Bettina Gleichauf, Jan Saat, Robert Winter
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