

The complexity of reasoning about pattern-based XML schemas

15 years 1 months ago
The complexity of reasoning about pattern-based XML schemas
In a recent paper, Martens et al. introduced a specification mechanism for XML tree languages, based on rules of the form r s, where r, s are regular expressions. Sets of such rules can be interpreted in an existential or a universal fashion. An XML tree is existentially valid with respect to a rule set, if for each node there is a rule such that the root path of the node matches r and the children sequence of the node matches s. It is universally valid if each node matching r also matches s. This paper investigates the complexity of reasoning about such rule sets, in particular the satisfiability and the implication problem. Whereas, in general these reasoning problems are complete for ExpTime, two important fragments are identified with PSpace and PTime complexity, respectively. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.1 [Database management]: Logical Design General Terms Theory Keywords XML schemas, Integrity constraints
Gjergji Kasneci, Thomas Schwentick
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where PODS
Authors Gjergji Kasneci, Thomas Schwentick
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