

Complexity results for enhanced qualitative probabilistic networks

14 years 18 days ago
Complexity results for enhanced qualitative probabilistic networks
While quantitative probabilistic networks (QPNs) allow the expert to state influences between nodes in the network as influence signs, rather than conditional probabilities, inference in these networks often leads to ambiguous results due to unresolved trade-offs in the network. Various enhancements have been proposed that incorporate a notion of strength of the influence, such as enhanced and rich enhanced operators. Although inference in standard (i.e., not enhanced) QPNs can be done in time polynomial to the length of the input, the computational complexity of inference in such enhanced networks has not been determined yet. In this paper, we introduce relaxation schemes to relate these enhancements to the more general case where continuous influence intervals are used. We show that inference in networks with continuous influence intervals is NP-hard, and remains NP-hard when the intervals are discretised and the interval [-1, 1] is divided into blocks with length of 1 4 . We discus...
Johan Kwisthout, Gerard Tel
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IJAR
Authors Johan Kwisthout, Gerard Tel
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