

Component-Based Answer Set Programming

14 years 3 months ago
Component-Based Answer Set Programming
In previous work we have discussed the importance of identifying the cycles that occur in a logic program under the answer set semantics, and the connections between cycles, that we have called handles. We have proved that answer sets of the overall program are composed of answer sets of suitable subprograms, corresponding to the cycles. We have defined the cycle graph CG, where each vertex of this graph corresponds to one cycle, and each edge corresponds to one handle. On the CG, we can check consistency by checking the existence of certain subgraphs. In this paper we will show that cycles and cycle graphs can be generalized to components and component graphs. By suitably arranging the handles connecting components, larger consistent programs can be built out of smaller one. Components can be understood as agents, where one agent communicates with another one if there is a handle which puts them in connection, and the agent makes it active.
Stefania Costantini
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Stefania Costantini
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