Component-Based Development(CBD) is an emerging discipline for promoting practical reuse of software. In CBD, by building new software with independently developed components, we can gain the benefits promised by the software reuse such as quality improvement and rapid development. Accordingly, to improve quality of components, we propose the component-based metrics applying the strength of dependency between classes to measure precisely. In addition, we prove the theoretical soundness of the proposed metrics by the axioms of Briand et al. and suggest the accuracy and practicality of the proposed metrics through a comparison with the conventional metrics in component development phase. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.8, D.4.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics, Performance – Measurements, Modeling and prediction. Keywords Component-based metrics, Class-based metrics, Componentbased system, Strength of Dependency between classes
Misook Choi, Injoo J. Kim, Jiman Hong, Jungyeop Ki