

Component Deployment Evolution Driven by Architecture Patterns and Resource Requirements

14 years 4 months ago
Component Deployment Evolution Driven by Architecture Patterns and Resource Requirements
Software architectures are often designed with respect to some architecture patterns, like the pipeline and peer-to-peer. These patterns are the guarantee of some quality attributes, like maintainability or performance. These patterns should be dynamically enforced in the running system to benefit from their associated quality characteristics at runtime. In dynamic hosting platforms where machines can enter the network, offering new resources, or fail, making the components they host unavailable, these patterns can be affected. In addition, in this kind of infrastructures, some resource requirements can also be altered. In this paper we present an approach which aims at dynamically assist deployment process with information about architectural patterns and resource constraints. This ensures that, faced with disconnections or machine failures, the runtime system complies permanently with the original architectural pattern and the initial resource requirements.
Didier Hoareau, Chouki Tibermacine
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where EWSA
Authors Didier Hoareau, Chouki Tibermacine
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