

Composition-Oriented Service Discovery

14 years 6 months ago
Composition-Oriented Service Discovery
Abstract. Service discovery and service aggregation are two crucial issues in the emerging area of Service-oriented Computing (SoC). We propose a new technique for the discovery of (Web) services that accounts for the need of composing several services to satisfy a client query. The proposed algorithm makes use of OWL-S ontologies, and explicitly returns the sequence of atomic process invocations that the client must perform in order to achieve the desired result. When no full match is possible, the algorithm features a flexible matching by returning partial matches and by suggesting additional inputs that would produce a full match.
Antonio Brogi, Sara Corfini, Razvan Popescu
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SOCO
Authors Antonio Brogi, Sara Corfini, Razvan Popescu
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