

A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MR Images

14 years 3 months ago
A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MR Images
Abstract--Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology allows the determination of patient-individual coronary tree structure, detection of infarctions, and assessment of myocardial perfusion. Joint inspection of these three aspects yields valuable information for therapy planning, e.g., through classification of myocardium into healthy tissue, regions showing a reversible hypoperfusion, and infarction with additional information on the corresponding supplying artery. Standard imaging protocols normally provide image data with different orientations, resolutions and coverages for each of the three aspects, which makes a direct comparison of analysis results difficult. The purpose of this work is to develop methods for the alignment and combined analysis of these images. The proposed approach is applied to 21 datasets of healthy and diseased patients from the clinical routine. The evaluation shows that, despite limitations due to typical MRI artifacts, combined inspection is feas...
Anja Hennemuth, A. Seeger, Ola Friman, S. Miller,
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TMI
Authors Anja Hennemuth, A. Seeger, Ola Friman, S. Miller, B. Klumpp, Steffen Oeltze, Heinz-Otto Peitgen
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