

Computable Exchangeable Sequences Have Computable de Finetti Measures

14 years 9 months ago
Computable Exchangeable Sequences Have Computable de Finetti Measures
Abstract. We prove a uniformly computable version of de Finetti’s theorem on exchangeable sequences of real random variables. In the process, we develop machinery for computably recovering a distribution from its sequence of moments, which suffices to prove the theorem in the case of (almost surely) continuous directing random measures. In the general case, we give a proof inspired by a randomized algorithm which succeeds with probability one. Finally, we show how, as a consequence of the main theorem, exchangeable stochastic processes in probabilistic functional programming languages can be rewritten as procedures that do not use mutation.
Cameron E. Freer, Daniel M. Roy
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CIE
Authors Cameron E. Freer, Daniel M. Roy
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