

On the computation of structured singular values and pseudospectra

14 years 1 months ago
On the computation of structured singular values and pseudospectra
Structured singular values and pseudospectra play an important role in assessing the properties of a linear system under structured perturbations. This paper discusses computational aspects of structured pseudospectra for structures that admit an eigenvalue minimization characterization, including the classes of real, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, and Hamiltonian perturbations. For all these structures we develop algorithms that require O(n2 ) operations per grid point, combining the Schur decomposition with a Lanczos method. These algorithms form the basis of a graphical Matlab interface for plotting structured pseudospectra. Key words: Structured pseudospectrum, structured singular value, real perturbations, skew-symmetric perturbations, Hermitian perturbations, Hamiltonian perturbations.
Michael Karow, Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Daniel Kress
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SCL
Authors Michael Karow, Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Daniel Kressner
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