

Computer Aided Design Modeling for Heterogeneous Objects

14 years 5 days ago
Computer Aided Design Modeling for Heterogeneous Objects
Heterogeneous object design is an active research area in recent years. The conventional CAD modeling approaches only provide geometry and topology of the object, but do not contain any information with regard to the materials of the object and so can not be used for the fabrication of heterogeneous objects (HO) through rapid prototyping. Current research focuses on computer-aided design issues in heterogeneous object design. A new CAD modeling approach is proposed to integrate the material information into geometric regions thus model the material distributions in the heterogeneous object. The gradient references are used to represent the complex geometry heterogeneous objects which have simultaneous geometry intricacies and accurate material distributions. The gradient references helps in flexible manipulability and control to heterogeneous objects, which guarantees the local control over gradient regions of developed heterogeneous objects. A systematic approach on data flow, proces...
Vikas Gupta, K. S. Kasana, Puneet Tandon
Added 01 Feb 2011
Updated 01 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Vikas Gupta, K. S. Kasana, Puneet Tandon
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