

Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Modeling in Ecology

15 years 15 days ago
Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Modeling in Ecology
We describe collaborative efforts between a knowledge representation team, a community of scientists, and scientific information managers in developing knowledge models for ecological and environmental sciences. Formal, structured approaches to knowledge representation used by the team (e.g., ontologies) can be informed by unstructured approaches to knowledge representation and semantic tagging already in use by the community. Observations about the process of collaboration between the team and the community are used to generate an interaction model for supporting software tools. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Group and Organization Interfaces ? Computer-supported cooperative work, Web-based interaction. General Terms Design, Human Factors Keywords Collaboration, observation, ontologies, concept maps, ecological knowledge
Deana Pennington, Joshua S. Madin, Ferdinando Vill
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WWW
Authors Deana Pennington, Joshua S. Madin, Ferdinando Villa, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis
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