

Computing Order Statistics in the Farey Sequence

14 years 5 months ago
Computing Order Statistics in the Farey Sequence
We study the problem of computing the k-th term of the Farey sequence of order n, for given n and k. Several methods for generating the entire Farey sequence are known. However, these algorithms require at least quadratic time, since the Farey sequence has Θ(n2 ) elements. For the problem of finding the k-th element, we obtain an algorithm that runs in time O(n lg n) and uses space O( √ n). The same bounds hold for the problem of determining the rank in the Farey sequence of a given fraction. A more complicated solution can reduce the space to O(n1/3 (lg lg n)2/3 ), and, for the problem of determining the rank of a fraction, reduce the time to O(n). We also argue that an algorithm with running time O(poly(lg n)) is unlikely to exist, since that would give a polynomial-time algorithm for integer factorization.
Corina E. Patrascu, Mihai Patrascu
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ANTS
Authors Corina E. Patrascu, Mihai Patrascu
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