

Concentration and moment inequalities for polynomials of independent random variables

12 years 5 months ago
Concentration and moment inequalities for polynomials of independent random variables
In this work we design a general method for proving moment inequalities for polynomials of independent random variables. Our method works for a wide range of random variables including Gaussian, Boolean, exponential, Poisson and many others. We apply our method to derive general concentration inequalities for polynomials of independent random variables. We show that our method implies concentration inequalities for some previously open problems, e.g. permanent of random symmetric matrices. We show that our concentration inequality is stronger than the wellknown concentration inequality due to Kim and Vu [29]. The main advantage of our method in comparison with the existing ones is a wide range of random variables we can handle and bounds for previously intractable regimes of high degree polynomials and small expectations. On the negative side we show that even for boolean random variables each term in our concentration inequality is tight.
Warren Schudy, Maxim Sviridenko
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where SODA
Authors Warren Schudy, Maxim Sviridenko
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