

Concept Analysis And Terminology: A Knowledge-Based Approach To Documentation

14 years 4 months ago
Concept Analysis And Terminology: A Knowledge-Based Approach To Documentation
The central concern of terminology, a component of the general documentation process, is concept analysis, an activity which is becoming recognized as fundamental as term banks evolve into knowledge bases. We propose that concept analysis can be facilitated by knowledge engineering technology, and describe a generic knowledge acquisition tool called CODE (Conceptually Oriented Design Environment) that has been successfully used in two terminology applications: 1) a bilingual vocabulary project with the Terminology Directorate of the Secretary of State of Canada, and 2) a software documentation project with Bell Northern Research. We conclude with some implications of computerassisted concept analysis for terminology.
Douglas R. Skuce, Ingrid Meyer
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Authors Douglas R. Skuce, Ingrid Meyer
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