EXtensible Markup Language (XML) has emerged as the dominant standard in describing and exchanging data among heterogeneous data sources. XML with its self-describing hierarchical structure and its associated XML Schema (XSD) provides the flexibility and the manipulative power needed to accommodate complex, disconnected, heterogeneous data. The issue of large volume of data appearing deserves investigating XML Document Warehouses. But due to XML’s non-scalar, set-based semi-structured nature, traditional data design models lack the ability to represent XML design level constructs in an and implementation-independent form which are crucial for designing complex domains such as data marts and data warehouses, but also during their operational and maintenance phase. We utilize Object Oriented (OO) concepts to develop a conceptual model for XML Document Warehouses. In this paper we propose a conceptual design formalism to build meaningful XML Document Warehouses (XDW). Our focus includes...
Vicky Nassis, Rajagopal Rajugan, Tharam S. Dillon,