

ConcernMorph: metrics-based detection of crosscutting patterns

15 years 17 days ago
ConcernMorph: metrics-based detection of crosscutting patterns
Crosscutting concerns can hinder maintainability of a design because they do not adhere to a system's underlying modular structure. Developers, therefore, may wish to refactor designs to improve modularisation or to implement crosscutting concerns as aspects. However, few tools currently exist that assist developers in detecting and classifying crosscutting concerns in their code. Classification is important because, as recent studies have shown, crosscutting concerns are not always harmful. This paper describes a tool, ConcernMorph, for identifying crosscutting concerns and classifying them into one of a number of predefined crosscutting patterns. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.3 [Software Engineering] Coding Tools and Techniques. General Terms: Measurement, Design, Experimentation.
Eduardo Figueiredo, Jon Whittle, Alessandro F. Gar
Added 19 Nov 2009
Updated 19 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Eduardo Figueiredo, Jon Whittle, Alessandro F. Garcia
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