

Concurrent Computation of Attribute Filters on Shared Memory Parallel Machines

14 years 3 months ago
Concurrent Computation of Attribute Filters on Shared Memory Parallel Machines
Morphological attribute filters have not previously been parallelized mainly because they are both global and nonseparable. We propose a parallel algorithm that achieves efficient parallelism for a large class of attribute filters, including attribute openings, closings, thinnings, and thickenings, based on Salembier's Max-Trees and Min-trees. The image or volume is first partitioned in multiple slices. We then compute the Max-trees of each slice using any sequential Max-Tree algorithm. Subsequently, the Max-trees of the slices can be merged to obtain the Max-tree of the image. A C-implementation yielded good speed-ups on both a 16-processor MIPS 14000 parallel machine and a dual-core Opteron-based machine. It is shown that the speed-up of the parallel algorithm is a direct measure of the gain with respect to the sequential algorithm used. Furthermore, the concurrent algorithm shows a speed gain of up to 72 percent on a single-core processor due to reduced cache thrashing.
Michael H. F. Wilkinson, Hui Gao, Wim H. Hesselink
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PAMI
Authors Michael H. F. Wilkinson, Hui Gao, Wim H. Hesselink, Jan-Eppo Jonker, Arnold Meijster
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