

Concurrent Multipath Transfer Using SCTP Multihoming: Introducing the Potentially-Failed Destination State

14 years 3 months ago
Concurrent Multipath Transfer Using SCTP Multihoming: Introducing the Potentially-Failed Destination State
Previously, we identified the failure-induced receive buffer (rbuf) blocking problem in Concurrent Multipath Transfer using SCTP multihoming (CMT), and proposed CMT with a Potentially-failed destination state (CMTPF) to alleviate rbuf blocking. In this paper, we complete our evaluation of CMT vs. CMT-PF. Using ns-2 simulations we show that CMT-PF performs on par or better than CMT during more aggressive failure detection thresholds than recommended by RFC4960. We also examine whether the modified sender behavior in CMT-PF degrades performance during non-failure scenarios. Our evaluations consider: (i) realistic loss model with symmetric and asymmetric path loss, (ii) varying path RTTs. We find that CMT-PF performs as well as CMT during non-failure scenarios, and interestingly, outperforms CMT when the paths experience asymmetric rbuf blocking conditions. We recommend that CMT be replaced by CMT-PF in future CMT implementations and RFCs1 .
Preethi Natarajan, Nasif Ekiz, Paul D. Amer, Janar
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Preethi Natarajan, Nasif Ekiz, Paul D. Amer, Janardhan R. Iyengar, Randall R. Stewart
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