

Concurrent Updating of Large Spatial Objects

14 years 7 months ago
Concurrent Updating of Large Spatial Objects
The update transactions to be executed in spatial databases have been usually known as interactive and long duration works. When a spatial object has a very large geometry of which size is larger than the screen window, it needs to concurrently update such a large spatial object for improving concurrency of updating spatial objects. Under the existing locking protocols, it is not allowed a large spatial object to be concurrently updated. We propose a partial locking scheme of allowing a transaction to set locks on parts of the large object. The partial locking scheme acquires a lock for part of the large object to allow several users to concurrently update the same object. The scheme gives benefits of improving the concurrency of updating a large object while maintaining the consistency of long duration transactions for interactively updating spatial data.
Youngduk Seo, Donghyun Kim, Bonghee Hong
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Youngduk Seo, Donghyun Kim, Bonghee Hong
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