—A wide variety of DSP design tools have been developed that incorporate dataflow graph representations into their GUI-based design environments. However, as the complexity of application graph topologies increases, textual manipulation of graph specifications becomes increasingly important. The dataflow interchange format (DIF) provides a text-based language for the description of dataflow graphs. Currently, the DIF infrastructure supports the specification of mixed-grain dataflow models, porting of dataflow applications specified in DIF across DSP design tools, software synthesis of applications specified in DIF, as well as a variety of optimization and analysis capabilities. This paper presents a novel set of dataflow graph configuration features that have been developed in the DIF language. These features greatly enhance the flexibility and power with which dataflow graphs, especially large-scale graphs, can be constructed and manipulated in DIF. To support the new graph configur...
Ivan Corretjer, Chia-Jui Hsu, Shuvra S. Bhattachar