

Conflicts and Fair Testing

14 years 3 months ago
Conflicts and Fair Testing
This paper studies conflicts from a process-algebraic point of view and shows how they are related to the testing theory of fair testing. Conflicts have been introduced in the context of discrete event systems, where two concurrent systems are said to be in conflict if they can get trapped in a situation where they are waiting or running endlessly, forever unable to complete their common task. In order to analyse complex discrete event systems, conflict-preserving notions of refinement and equivalence are needed. This paper characterises an appropriate refinement, called the conflict preorder, and provides a denotational semantics for it. Its relationship to other known process preorders is explored, and it is shown to generalise the fair testing preorder in processalgebra for reasoning about conflicts in discrete event systems.
Robi Malik, David Streader, Steve Reeves
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Robi Malik, David Streader, Steve Reeves
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