

Conformational behavior of simple furanosides studied by optical rotation

14 years 1 months ago
Conformational behavior of simple furanosides studied by optical rotation
: Experimental and theoretical specific optical rotations (OR) of anhydro, epithio, and epiminoderivatives of methyl tetrofuranosides in chloroform solutions have been compared and used as a tool for exploring their conformational behavior. The potential energy surfaces of these saccharides with reduced flexibility were examined with the density functional theory and the MP2 and CCSD(T) wavefunctions methods. Theoretical ORs were obtained by Boltzmann averaging of values calculated for local minima. Resultant rotations could be used to assess the quality of the DFT and MP2 relative conformer energies. OR values calculated for equilibrium geometries in vacuum were significantly improved when the solvent was accounted for by a polarizable continuum model and first and diagonal second OR derivatives were used for an anharmonic vibrational averaging. The DFT used as a default method reproduced the experimental data fairly well. A modified B3LYP functional containing 70% of HF exchange...
Jakub Kaminský, Ivan Raich, Katerina Tomc&a
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCC
Authors Jakub Kaminský, Ivan Raich, Katerina Tomcáková, Petr Bour
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