

Conformative Filter: A Probabilistic Framework for Localization in Reduced Space

13 years 7 days ago
Conformative Filter: A Probabilistic Framework for Localization in Reduced Space
— Algorithmic problem reduction is a fundamental approach to problem solving in many fields, including robotics. To solve a problem using this scheme, we must reduce the problem into another one for which solutions exist. The reduction function, which infers a conformation between the problem and the solution space, plays an important role in solution evaluation and is sometimes used to transform the solutions into the problem domain. We consider robot path planning in the context of algorithmic problem reduction where a reduction can be used to adapt a path (referred to as solution) generated by a human or other subsystem to environmental constraints that may differ from those at plan-generation time. Usually, solving these problems involves estimating the current state in the plan and trying to retrieve the solution. We develop a probabilistic framework for reduction-based path planning where the solutions can be obtained from localization into the plan by exploiting the Markov pr...
Chatavut Viriyasuthee, Gregory Dudek
Added 18 Dec 2011
Updated 18 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CRV
Authors Chatavut Viriyasuthee, Gregory Dudek
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