

Connectivity Model for Wireless Mesh Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Connectivity Model for Wireless Mesh Networks
—This paper presents a novel methodology for finding the network connectivity in wireless mesh networks while taking into account dependencies existing between links of geometrically co-located nodes, as well as the effect of a finite network boundary. We show that the commonly used assumption of link independence almost always underestimate the network connectivity. We also show that the assumption of infinite network boundary is invalid as it overestimates the network connectivity by a non negligible amount. We use our methodology to derive accurate upper bounds for network connectivity in the optimal triangular lattice topology. A comparison study shows that the error due to either assumptions depends on the link connectivity as well as the network size, and can be very significant. The devised methodology can also be applied to any lattice topology in order to quantify the error and define the range of link conductivities within which the assumptions can be used.
Mohamed Abou El Saoud, Hussein Al-Zubaidy, Samy Ma
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICC
Authors Mohamed Abou El Saoud, Hussein Al-Zubaidy, Samy Mahmoud
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