

ConQuer: A Peer Group-Based Incentive Model for Constraint Querying in Mobile-P2P Networks

14 years 8 months ago
ConQuer: A Peer Group-Based Incentive Model for Constraint Querying in Mobile-P2P Networks
— In mobile ad-hoc peer-to-peer (M-P2P) networks, economic models become a necessity for enticing non-cooperative mobile peers to provide service. M-P2P users may issue queries with varying constraints on query response time, data quality of results and trustworthiness of the data source. This work proposes ConQuer, which addresses constraint queries in economybased M-P2P networks. ConQuer proposes a broker-based incentive M-P2P model for handling user-defined constraint queries. It also provides incentives for MPs to form collaborative peer groups for maximizing data availability and revenues by mutually allocating and deallocating data items using a royalty-based revenue-sharing method. Such reallocations facilitate MPs in providing better data quality, thereby allowing them to further increase their revenues.
Anirban Mondal, Sanjay Kumar Madria, Masaru Kitsur
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MDM
Authors Anirban Mondal, Sanjay Kumar Madria, Masaru Kitsuregawa
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