

Consensus with Byzantine Failures and Little System Synchrony

14 years 6 months ago
Consensus with Byzantine Failures and Little System Synchrony
We study consensus in a message-passing system where only some of the Ò¾ links exhibit some synchrony. This problem was previously studied for systems with process crashes; we now consider byzantine failures. We show that consensus can be solved in a system where there is at least one non-faulty process whose links are eventually timely; all other links can be arbitrarily slow. We also show that, in terms of problem solvability, such a system is strictly weaker than one where all links are eventually timely.
Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera, Carole Delporte-Gallet, H
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DSN
Authors Marcos Kawazoe Aguilera, Carole Delporte-Gallet, Hugues Fauconnier, Sam Toueg
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