

Consistent and Automatic Replica Regeneration

14 years 4 months ago
Consistent and Automatic Replica Regeneration
Reducing management costs and improving the availability of large-scale distributed systems require automatic replica regeneration, i.e., creating new replicas in response to replica failures. A major challenge to regeneration is maintaining consistency when the replica group changes. Doing so is particularly difficult across the wide area where failure detection is complicated by network congestion and node overload. In this context, this paper presents Om, the first read/write peer-to-peer wide-area storage system that achieves high availability and manageability through online automatic regeneration while still preserving consistency guarantees. We achieve these properties through the following techniques. First, by utilizing the limited view divergence property in today's Internet and by adopting the witness model, Om is able to regenerate from any single replica rather than requiring a majority quorum, at the cost of a small (10-6 in our experiments) probability of violating...
Haifeng Yu, Amin Vahdat
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where NSDI
Authors Haifeng Yu, Amin Vahdat
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