

Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development

14 years 5 months ago
Construction of Back-Channel Utterance Corpus for Responsive Spoken Dialogue System Development
In spoken dialogues, if a spoken dialogue system does not respond at all during user's utterances, the user might feel uneasy because the user does not know whether or not the system has recognized the utterances. In particular, back-channel utterances, which the system outputs as voices such as yeah and uh huh in English have important roles for a driver in in-car speech dialogues because the driver does not look towards a listener while driving. This paper describes construction of a back-channel utterance corpus and its analysis to develop the system which can output back-channel utterances at the proper timing in the responsive in-car speech dialogue. First, we constructed the back-channel utterance corpus by integrating the back-channel utterances that four subjects provided for the driver's utterances in 60 dialogues in the CIAIR in-car speech dialogue corpus. Next, we analyzed the corpus and revealed the relation between back-channel utterance timings and information ...
Yuki Kamiya, Tomohiro Ohno, Shigeki Matsubara, Hid
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors Yuki Kamiya, Tomohiro Ohno, Shigeki Matsubara, Hideki Kashioka
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