

On the constructiveness of context-aware crossover

14 years 9 months ago
On the constructiveness of context-aware crossover
Crossover in Genetic Programming is mostly a destructive operator, generally producing children worse than the parents and occasionally producing those who are better. A recently introduced operator, Context-Aware Crossover, which implicitly discovers the best possible crossover site for a subtree has been shown to consistently attain higher fitnesses while processing fewer individuals. It has been observed that context-aware crossover is similar to Brood Crossover in that multiple children are produced during each crossover event. This paper performs a thorough analysis of these crossover operators and compares the performance of the two and demonstrates that, although they do work similarly, context-aware crossover performs a far better sampling of the search space and thus performs much better. We also demonstrate that context-aware crossover benefits from a speed up of almost an order of magnitude when using a simple and very small cache, which is over two orders of magnitute sm...
Hammad Majeed, Conor Ryan
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Hammad Majeed, Conor Ryan
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