

Containment of Conjunctive Object Meta-Queries

14 years 4 months ago
Containment of Conjunctive Object Meta-Queries
We consider the problem of query containment over an object data model derived from F-logic. F-logic has generated considerable interest commercially, in the academia, and within various standardization efforts as a means for building ontologies and for reasoning on the Semantic Web. Solution to the containment problem for F-logic queries can help with query optimization as well as the classification problem in information integration systems. An important property of F-logic queries, which sets them apart from database queries, is that they can mix the data-level and the meta-level in simple and useful ways. This means that such queries may refer not only to data but also schema information. To the best of our knowledge, the containment problem for such queries has not been considered in the literature. We show that, even for queries over metainformation together with data, this problem is decidable for non-recursive conjunctive queries. We also provide relevant complexity results....
Andrea Calì, Michael Kifer
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SEBD
Authors Andrea Calì, Michael Kifer
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