

A content-based dynamic load-balancing algorithm for heterogeneous web server cluster

14 years 4 days ago
A content-based dynamic load-balancing algorithm for heterogeneous web server cluster
According to the different requests of Web and the heterogeneity of Web server, the paper presents a content-based loadbalancing algorithm. The mechanism of this algorithm is that a corresponding request is allocated to the server with the lowest load according to the degree of effects on the server and a combination of load state of server. Besides, apply a method of random distributing base-probability to assign each request to an appropriate server in terms of their weight. All the parameters that will be used in the algorithm can be acquired by simulated test. Experimental results suggest that this algorithm can balance the load of web server clusters effectively, make full use of the existing source of software and hardware, highly improve the server's performance, and even make the best use of the web server.
Lin Zhang, Xiao Ping Li, Su Yuan
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Lin Zhang, Xiao Ping Li, Su Yuan
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