

Content-Based Retrieval of Medical Images by Combining Global Features

14 years 8 months ago
Content-Based Retrieval of Medical Images by Combining Global Features
A combination of several classifiers using global features for the content description of medical images is proposed. Beside well known texture histogram features, downscaled representations of the original images are used, which preserve spatial information and utilize distance measures which are robust with regard to common variations in radiation dose, translation, and local deformation. These features were evaluated for the annotation task and the retrieval task in ImageCLEF 2005 without using additional textual information or query refinement mechanisms. For the annotation task, a categorization rate of 86.7% was obtained, which ranks second among all submissions. When applied in the retrieval task, the image content descriptors yielded a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.0751, which is rank 14 of 28 submitted runs. As the image deformation model is not fit for interactive retrieval tasks, two mechanisms are evaluated with regard to the trade-off between loss of accuracy and s...
Mark Oliver Güld, Christian Thies, Benedikt F
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CLEF
Authors Mark Oliver Güld, Christian Thies, Benedikt Fischer, Thomas Martin Lehmann
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