To construct a large commodity clustec a hierarchical network is generally adopted for connecting the host muchines, where a Gigabit backbone switch connects a few commodity switches with uplinks to achieve scaled bisectional bandwidth. This type of interconnection usually results in link contention and has congestion developed at the uplink ports. Moreover, the non-detenninistic delays on scheduling communicationevents in clusters accelerate the building up of congestion amongst these uplink ports, which lead to severe packets drop and hinder the overall performance. In thispaper,wefocus on thepractical design ofhigh-speed complete exchange algorithm on a commodity cluster interconnected by a hierarchicalEthemet-based network. By exploitingsomearchitecturalcharacteristicsof the interconnectioninoptimizingtheperformunce ofa complete exchange algorithm, we introduce a congestion control mechanism - global windowing that monitors and regulates the trafic load, together with a permutatio...
Anthony T. C. Tam, Cho-Li Wang